Ches 1000 AR

Today's Jiba-ism: "I like to watch him eat and pretend!"

We arrived in the town of Kuronobe in the Kanto region ruled by the Crab clan after hearing rumours that grandfather had come here years ago searching for a priest by the name of Koba. Sadly the rumours did not elaborate on why. Dusk was just settling in as we arrived in town, the lanterns and torches sparking to life around us as the lamplighters went about their duties. I had some trouble keeping a straight face as Jiba and Iki discussed the fact they didn't eat and how Jiba liked to pretend to eat whenever I did.

The farmers appeared to just be coming in from the fields and the stalls were out in full swing. Supposedly we stopped at the best ramen in Seiya Zei. It was passable, though I couldn't let little Jiba down when as I described it to him earning a questioning look from the shopkeep. The booze was certainly watered-down swill. As I was listening and watching people pass by a few ruffians began to harass a man, getting rough and asking questions about the same Koba I was seeking.

I was nice enough to share my soup with them.

Pity they were so clumsy they all ended up covered in it and groaning on the ground. They were so unthankful! As I was placating Jiba over the spilled soup and Iki rolled his eyes for the 38th time that day, the man that was being harassed approached and kindly offered me a place to rest for the night. Thank the spirits, it turned out to be the Koba we were seeking.

As I asked him about grandfather, it had been a long time since he had apparently visited. Last time he had visited, he had asked about a "world codex" called the Warukodesu. Sadly the tome had been lost 50 some years ago. Koba had no idea if Grandfather had ever found the answers he had been seeking. He did mention around seven years ago another traveler from foreign lands had also come seeking it, a man made of gleaming metal. He had never seen anything quite like it. Koba continued that the man had searched into the Land of Shadows. They spoke briefly but apparently the man had also laid his eyes on it and come from that Irelia place where they worship rocks or some 'mumbo jumbo'.

I left in the morning after sharing a drink with him and headed for the Mitsudarya Gate where I could catch a boat and look into it further. It was the best lead I had for awhile anyway. Asking around I managed to get hired on with one of the mercenary companies to join a fellow named Luato the next day for the very place I needed. The mercenary that hired me was a bit intimidating but for some reason I like him. Fellow named Zhen Bohai that wears a mask, long red hair and has a gruff sort of personality. The other sell-swords didn't seem like anything special though.


*The page is heavily wrinkled from contact with moisture and has the unmistakable scent of the sea mixed with old, dried vomit. There is only a brief passage written here, in a very sloppy hand as if it took all of someone's last strength to take quill to parchment.*



Today's Jiba-ism: "It's sympathy sickness. It's real! I read it in a book once!"

At first I really wished the room would stop spinning. Eventually it did, but when I opened my eyes Iki was floating in circles above me and that started my head spinning and brought back my old friend nausea. We had got well acquainted the last few days. I bet normal people don't have to worry about their pets floating above them around in circles when they are feeling really ill.  

Zhen came to visit me though! ...he was pissed I had been in the cabin for two full days sick as a mutt, but maybe this is just his way of showing he's worried. I doubt it, but I'm trying to remain optimistic. 

Everyone else basically keeps to themselves. It's an old ship full of shifty folks though, I shouldn't be that surprised. Once I got my sea legs under me found out that there are a lot of people shirking their duties, not just me. A lot of them steal away in their cabins to gamble, do drugs, and so forth. They are fighting the real menace of this trip. Tediousness and boredom. So much boredom. I've the spent days following Zhen around and bugging him with questions, asking him to share a drink. Sadly he has yet to come out of his shell and embrace our destined friendship so far. He's also got better at eluding me of late. 


By the Dark Goddess, I think I really stabbed myself in the foot! I was wandering mindlessly and ran straight into a wall in the bowels of the ship. Jiba thought it was hilarious, though while I was shaking off the impact to the sound of his giggles I found a wooden panel had been knocked loose and lead to a hidden hall and stairway. Admittedly I probably shouldn't have been snooping, but the way it was hidden so carefully before made me curious. What could they be hiding? And did I mention the tedious and all encompassing boredom?

Anyway, Jiba was whimpering and it was very dark. I managed to slip inside and replaced the panel behind me before following the walls by touch and lighting a torch once I got deep enough inside and encountered a locked door. It revealed slaves in chains, mostly from Seiya Zei, and worse yet most were children! What kind of degenerates did I get myself involved with!?

I didn't check closely enough as I was slipping back out and Zhen caught me as I was leaving. I decided to trust my gut and hinted for him to take a look himself. Which he did. I mean he was already suspicious finding a passage that he had no clue of. He told me to keep quiet and left in a hurry. I really hope I didn't just dig myself a hole I can't get out of. 


I knew I was right! Zhen is a good guy. A great guy. Stand up and whatnot. I won't ever say that to his face, though.

I finally came across him when he was confronting the mercenary leader, Gildeam, a monster of an Orc covered in dark tribal tattoos. He uses a huge, double-headed scythe and wears plate gauntlets and leggings (his only armor). Regardless of his state of dress everyone gives him a wide berth. Except Zhen when I found them at least.  

They got into it over the slave children, Gildeam telling him to forget what he saw. Zhen countering that he has his limits and was never supposed to get into this shit (Go Zhen!). When he asked him how long he'd been ferrying children slaves to the Irelian empire Gildeam told him the conversation was over and went to walk away. Zhen tried to stop him but got a fist around his throat and a slam into the wall for his trouble. Gildeam threatened Zhen's life and held him off the ground by his throat his skin turned redder than Iki, while he struggled mightily. I was able to press myself against the wall when Gildeam left and got lucky in that he was so blinded by his own anger he didn't see me.

Zhen took out his frustration on the mast, punching it until his hand was a bloody mess. I approached him once he had calmed a little (maybe too little) and he turned on me immediately, assuming I was in on it. Jiba boxed at his face telling him he was going to get it which made the entire serious situation a little difficult to keep a straight face in, but I was able to explain quickly enough and remind him he had hired me on. Either way I offered  him help if he needed it though he brushed me off again and wandered off to be alone. 

Apparently he thought I was an idiot too. Admittedly sometimes I wonder myself. 


I guess I'm an accidental pirate now. Seriously, unintentional slaver was really bad enough. As I was pondering the meaning of life-...alright I was trying to figure out how to ration the rest of my sake for the remainder of the trip and figure out how to get the kids out of here without getting murdered. Anyway, I heard a rallying cry from the soldiers on deck. When I checked it, there was a ship far on the horizon of a make I had never seen before and two of the other mercenaries working with Gildeam were asking if "Is that them?". The one with the blue mo-hawk was a fellow named Xava (he creates weird ethereal looking blue weapons out of thing air) while the skull-masked fellow wearing black cloak was called Knave or "The Reaper" (who carries those contraptions that shoot metal bits around). Not to spoil anything but they are not good people. drunk was I when I signed on? I mean in retrospect, there were so many signs. Obvious ones too. Maybe it was the seasickness. Or maybe I am an idiot like Zhen said. None of this was even a remotely good idea. 

It was then that Zhen approached me with a sigh, completely exasperated and fed up. He asked me if I had a torch (I did) and to fire one of the cannons. Obviously part of his master plan to alert the other vessel so we have assistance and can rescue the captives below decks. I followed my part of the plan perfectly and the hundred odd hostile gazes on me soon as I did were quickly diverted toward Zhen as he confronted Gildeam. An epic showdown for the ages!

...Zhen got booted over the edge of the ship in 7.35 seconds from Iki's count in the middle of his speech.

On the bright side, I was basically forgotten about as at this point the other ship had got close enough that Gildeam called for the raiding party to attack. As they were tossing ladders and makeshift bridges across to the other ship I reconsidered my options and slipped off down below deck to where the slaves were being kept. As I didn't have lockpicks at the time I had to improvise and use Ashura as a 'key' in a way I'm sure would have earned a raised brow from grandfather. In my defense though it worked and also worked on the cages.

The first cage had a pale girl and a dragon. She seemed like a safe first bet, maybe the dragon could fight after all. Jiba seemed really excited about it anyway, Iki  less so. Admittedly I didn't have a lot of time to give it much thought. 

The pale girl asked if I was a good person...but it really wasn't the time to get into a debate on morals and theology. I was rather proud when Jiba stated a definitive "Yes" from above my right shoulder without hesitation. On the other hand my heart fell when I heard Iki state a definitive "No!" with a lot of gusto. I think both my and Jiba's gasps and heartbroken stares at the crimson fox were the last thing any of us remember before seconds later the entire ship exploded and I passed out.
...I still need to ask Iki about that.